The Student Pilot License SPL


When I started into aviation, the first step I took is to do my medicals. But a prerequisite before starting your flying training is to get your student pilot license.

I still remember my Student pilot license interview, in which my chief flying instructor, ground instructor, and a representative from DGCA was present. I was sweating profusely even with the air conditioning set at 19 degrees. However it went, you can read my experience in detail here.

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Class 1 medical initial/renewal tests

Close up of an airplane pilot equipment epaluetes with doctor’s stethoscope, forms, medical and pilot certificate. Conceptual image of medical exam.

The first step towards becoming a pilot is your medical. Unless you don’t clear your medical, there isn’t any point in taking any steps further. So first comes your class 2 medical and then class 1. The Class-1 Renewal medical is usually done within one day. The Class-1 Initial Medical may take up to 3 days and class 2 might take upto 2-3 days as well. In this section we will be reading about the tests taken during your class 1 medical initial and renewal and also its validity.

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Helicopter pilot- DGCA Detailed syllabus

Helicopter pilot


So you have decided a life of adventure and fun. You have decided to become a helicopter pilot. But, let it be in case of airplanes or helicopters, becoming a pilot is expensive. As I keep saying, research extremely well before you jump in, as every wrong step can prove very expensive. So let’s have a look at the requirements and detailed flying syllabus to become a helicopter pilot.

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Life of a Helicopter pilot


My name is Capt Sanjith Christopher, and I’m a helicopter pilot. I have been flying since the last 4 years. I have accumulated around 2000 hours of helicopter flight time as of now. Though its not much, but its pretty good for a guy who is 26 years old. The machines I have flown are Schweizer 300, Robinson 22, Robinson 44 and Dauphin AS365N. Presently,  I am flying for the Indian Govt and my base of flying changes every month.

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Pilots find it tough maintaining relationships,why??


So, why do pilots find it difficult maintaining relationships?. This might seem to you as a very funny topic to you. But I myself is sitting in this huge luxurious hotel room , hundreds of miles away from home and worried about certain issues in my family.

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Which fuel is used in Airplanes and Helicopters?


Which kind of fuel do they use in aviation??. Is it the same as used in our regular cars and bikes??. This is one of the frequent questions I keep getting from many relatives and friends. Continue reading Which fuel is used in Airplanes and Helicopters?

Can an Airplane pilot fly a helicopter??


So, I’m a helicopter pilot, but I keep getting questions from people asking if I can fly Airplanes as well!!, or my friends flying Airplanes keep getting questions like, how is it to fly a helicopter!!

The simple answer is

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My Instructor called me a flying bomb!!

Its been quite sometime since I wrote now. And the truth is there hasn’t been much to write in my personal life, and what has been happening in my professional life, I cannot write. Continue reading My Instructor called me a flying bomb!!