5 Questions you should ask before joining flying school

Flying school

So you have pinpointed a flying school and the reviews on google are great. Their website seems legitimate and the schools initial interaction with you is good as well. But still there are a few questions you need to ask the flying school before you pay the initial fee and join. Let’s look at a few of them.

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Which fuel is used in Airplanes and Helicopters?


Which kind of fuel do they use in aviation??. Is it the same as used in our regular cars and bikes??. This is one of the frequent questions I keep getting from many relatives and friends. Continue reading Which fuel is used in Airplanes and Helicopters?

How much money do you need to be a pilot??


How much money do you need to become a pilot?? Well, I get this question a lot, and my answer is  also the same, ALOT!!

Continue reading How much money do you need to be a pilot??

Sleeping in hunger- Pilot Stories


So basically when someone told me, they slept in hunger. I could never relate to them as i’v never been through the situation. I have always been under the protection of my parents. Now after almost a year of living outside, I realise that actually I’m on my own!!. So, hunger is not something I was forced to experience before in my life until now!!.

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Engine division sightings and experiences


Today was a day when the love for aviation was reinstated in my life, we were taken to the Engine division. It’s been 3 months since I wrote now, and it’s been long tiring 3 months. It wouldn’t be possible for me to say what I did in these 3 months, but I’m sure it’s something you wouldn’t want to hear and I wouldn’t want to say either. Continue reading Engine division sightings and experiences

Cut grass all day…

I want to start writing today by saying, these are some really dark days and I have never encountered days like these in my life before. Now, by dark I didn’t mean there’s no sunshine in Bangalore or the tube-light in my room has fused, but inspite of all the light around, I’m not able to feel it, which makes it dark for me!!

Continue reading Cut grass all day…

‘God of flying’-The meeting!!


Highlight of today, I met the man!! I met the “God of flying”. Let me tell you what I did in the last 6 days- NOTHING!! Ofcourse I spent hours staring at the ceiling and having the same cheap meals from the same kerala foodjoint. Continue reading ‘God of flying’-The meeting!!

Alone in a new city- Pilot stories


So, I’m pretty upset today, sitting alone in this dark shabby messy room, accompanied by 2 other older weird guys I don’t even know, and I don’t know why the whole place smells like fried fish all the time!! I used to like fried fish!! Continue reading Alone in a new city- Pilot stories

Flying school- First day- RWA


Its been 2 days in Bangalore now, and today was my first day at the flying school, I would say the whole place is pretty old and vintage, but the aircrafts look great!! And the highlight is I saw a fighter jet take-off and my father said-“here goes the Tejas”, he further on went on to tell me that it’s a single engine jet aircraft designed by HAL, and I listened carefully.

Continue reading Flying school- First day- RWA