‘God of flying’-The meeting!!


Highlight of today, I met the man!! I met the “God of flying”. Let me tell you what I did in the last 6 days- NOTHING!! Ofcourse I spent hours staring at the ceiling and having the same cheap meals from the same kerala foodjoint.

The last 6 days were continuous holidays as the engineers of HAL had gone on strike . This morning was my first day in school, FLIGHT SCHOOL!! Yeah that sounds nice!!

So this morning I woke up at 6. Shaved off the facial hair I didn’t have, cleaned up well, dressed up in the crisply ironed shirt. I shined my black shoes to a jet black mirror shine. As I was told school time starts at 8. Thinking that today is going to be a special day, I’d breakfast from a slightly fancier place, hehe normally breakfast costed me Rs.30, this costed me Rs.50, but today is going to be life changing, Rs.20 didn’t matter to me when I compared it to today’s importance .

How I met- The “God Of Flying”

I reached the school after all the frisking and scanning by 07.30 and not a single soul was to be seen, not even the sweepers or even the watchman. Time passed by, it was 8, 08:30, 08:45 and by 09:00, I saw a man in the distance coming, riding on a bicycle, he was wearing a Hawaiian shirt with jeans. I thought to myself, “ya finally the canteen guy or some staff is here”. From a distance he saw me as well, he set his cycle aside and came towards me and asked in a slight Anglo Indian accent, “who are you??” I hesitantly replied, “I’m Sanjith, I’m new here”, he then asked, “you are here to fly?” and I nodded excitedly.

He walked away with a smile on his face. In sometime the office staff, the CGI and CFI came in progression.


I wished every single person who came in, people where surprised to see me this early. It was 10am now, and I walked to Mr. Babus office, and asked when can I start flying, he took me to the CGI, and I asked him the same question, he replied to me, “Look, no one here starts flying the day he/she arrives here, you will have to learn a lot of things on ground and it’s not only theory i’m talking about, it’s also discipline.”

He stopped to have a sip of tea and I wondered if I’ll be offered tea and biscuits this time or not, and he continued, “Don’t be in a hurry, be patient. Don’t worry, we will sort you out boy, you can go now”. I stood up and was walked to the crew room where I sat all day and nobody came to brief me or anything.  By 3pm, I went into Mr. Babus office and told him I’m leaving and will see him tomorrow. When I walked out, I started wondering what a stupid place I have come to, I had lunch from a place nearby and walked back to my room.


For a change this time, nobody was there and it was not engulfed in smoke as usual. I just lay down on my bed and went off to sleep.. that’s all for today and I cannot wipe the smile off my face- Met the God of flying!!

Want to get in touch with me??, feel free to contact me or email on sanjithkc@yahoo.com 

Further Information for pilot training on www.dgca.nic.in

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